WhatsApp constantly suspends accounts that do mass or automated acts to keep the network secure, however, it is possible that some accounts are mistakenly reported by their computerized algorithms. This post will teach you how to file an appeal to get the WhatsApp beta restriction lifted on Android and iOS. WhatsApp suspends accounts that break their service rules, but there is still hope: file a ban appeal from within WhatsApp!

This is what may happen if you request a review. In this instance, WhatsApp Support will examine your account and device information for any illicit conduct that violates their terms of service. When requesting a review, you may also input some extra information to attach to your report before submitting it to support. As a consequence of the assessment, your account may be reinstated if they discover that their systems incorrectly identified your account, allowing you to resume using WhatsApp. Unfortunately, if WhatsApp certifies that you have broken their Terms of Service, your account will not be unbanned.
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