After being released in December, WhatsApp Communities is now accessible in Brazil, allowing users to better organize and manage their WhatsApp groups. WhatsApp for iOS, Android, and Desktop users in Brazil may now simply join comparable groups and get information!
Communities on WhatsApp provide users with a more organized and manageable approach to organizing and managing their WhatsApp groups in a new part of the app: they can simply locate information by joining comparable groups in a WhatsApp community. This is especially valuable for school communities since it allows teachers to group all of their courses and share vital messages with parents in the community announcement group, which can have up to 5000 members.
To join a full WhatsApp Community, check the invite link to see if the group has fewer than 5000 participants: we recognise it may be tough to join owing to strong demand in Brazil, but there is nothing else you can do now. You will be able to join the community announcement group without difficulty after the restriction is raised.
The option to join and establish WhatsApp Communities is now available in Brazil, and it will be rolled out to individuals who do not yet have this function over the next 24 hours.
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