Following the release of the option to add up to 32 people to a group conversation, WhatsApp is now providing users with additional group call capabilities, such as the ability to mute or message particular persons on a call on WhatsApp beta for Android and iOS!
Some new group call capabilities are now accessible on WhatsApp, according to the most recent statement made by Will Cathcart on Twitter a few minutes ago. The first feature is an indication at the bottom of the group call that alerts all participants that someone has joined the group call, but it is not the only one:

When you initiate a group call, additional options are available on both WhatsApp for Android and iOS (including non-beta versions of the app): you may easily message or mute any member of the conversation. The ability to silence certain persons on a call is very useful when someone forgets to mute herself. It is important to note that the ability to mute is not restricted to the person who initiated the call; anybody may mute.
This is being given out to users who have installed the most recent version of the app. If you don’t have these capabilities activated on your WhatsApp account, don’t worry: WhatsApp is progressively rolling them out to more people every day, and additional activations are scheduled in the next few days, so be sure to upgrade your WhatsApp version from the App Store, Play Store, and TestFlight.
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