On October 5, 2022, Twitter’s Head of Social revealed that videos, photos, and GIFs can all be posted in the same Tweet. Swiping on a video in your Twitter stream will also offer more related material, similar to TikTok. The mobile app includes both features.
You can now not only mix and match media formats but also get them to work together.

For those who aren’t only on Twitter for the memes, this new feature improves the quality of life for anybody who uses multiple media types in their Tweets.
Users no longer have to choose between a GIF and a static picture. Say goodbye to the chain of reply Tweets that obscures the visual material that should be in the spotlight.
This increased flexibility is a huge boon for anyone who uses Twitter as part of their organic or paid marketing strategies.
Anyone who has used Twitter’s character restriction understands that photos, GIFs, and videos are worth at least a thousand words. The ability to blend them all removes significant creative constraints.
More interesting content implies that your Tweet is more likely to catch someone’s attention as they browse through their feed, increasing the likelihood that they will watch, read, and click.
When combined with the overwhelming favorable comments received during testing of the impending Edit Tweet functionality, the tiny blue bird app looks to be doing all possible to keep its user base interested and expanding.